Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
- Diller, T., & Bairaktarova, D. (2024). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Individual Hands-on Workshops in Heat Transfer Classes to Specific Student Learning Outcomes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 40(1), 5-15.
- Schauer, S., Pakala, K., & Bairaktarova, D. (2024). Virtual “Happy” Office Hours: The Student Experience.. Advances in Engineering Education, 12(1), 3–24.
- Ilbeigi, M., Bairaktarova, D., & Ehsani, R. (2024). A Gamified Method for Construction Engineering Education: Learning through Guided Active Exploration. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 150(2).
- Bakic, M., Pakala, K., Bairaktarova, D., & Bose, D. (2024). Enhancing engineering education: Investigating the impact of mobile devices on learning in a thermal-fluids course. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education.
- Martini, L., Mark Vincent Huerta, Jurkiewicz, J., Chan, B., & Bairaktarova, D. (2024). Exploring Students’ Experiences with Mindfulness Meditations in a First-Year General Engineering Course. Education Sciences, 14(6), 584–584.
- Yehia, A. S., Harris, D. K., & Bairaktarova, D. (2024, June 23). Developing Augmented Reality Applications to Help Engineering Students Learn Spatial Structural Engineering Concepts.; American Society of Engineering Education.
- Guler, B. N., Sajadi, S., Abdulaziz Alenezi, & Bairaktarova, D. (2024). From Doubt to Drive: How Instructional Modality and Self-Efficacy Shape Motivation in Remedial Spatial Visualization Courses. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (IJEP), 14(5), 37–50.
- Bairaktarova, D. & Cohen, C (2024). Interactive spatial training animates sex differences in performance among first-year engineering students. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 30(2). https://10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2022039497
- Mitropoulos, T., Bairaktarova, D., & Huxtable, S. (2023). The utility of mechanical objects: Aiding students’ learning of abstract and difficult engineering concepts. Journal of Engineering Education.
- Omobolanle Ogunseiju, Abiola Akanmu, Bairaktarova, D., Bowman, D. A., & Farrokh Jazizadeh. (2023). Assessment of interactive holographic scenes in learning applications of sensing technologies in construction education. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 149(4).
- Ogunseiju O, Gonsalves N, Akanmu A, Bairaktarova D, Agee P, Asfari K (2023). Sensing technologies in construction engineering education: industry experiences and expectations, ITcon Vol. 28, pg. 482-499,
- Ilbeigi, M., Bairaktarova, D., & Azita Morteza. (2023). Gamification in Construction Engineering Education: A Scoping Review. Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 149(2).
- Hsing, H.-W., Bairaktarova, D., & Lau, N. (2023). Using eye gaze to reveal cognitive processes and strategies of engineering students when solving spatial rotation and mental cutting tasks. Journal of Engineering Education, 112(1), 125–146.
- Ogunseiju, O. R., Gonsalves, N., Akanmu, A. A., Bairaktarova, D., Bowman, D. A., & Jazizadeh, F. (2022). Mixed reality environment for learning sensing technology applications in Construction: A usability study. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 53.
- Bairaktarova, D. (2022). Caring for the future: Empathy in engineering education to empower learning. Journal of Engineering Education, 111(3), 502–507.
- Bairaktarova, D. & Plumlee D. (2022). Creating Space for Empathy: Perspectives on Challenges of Teaching Design Thinking to Future Engineers. International Journal of Engineering Education, 38(2), pp. 512–524.
- Younes, R., & Bairaktarova, D. (2022). ViTA: A flexible CAD-tool-independent automatic grading platform for two-dimensional CAD drawings. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 50(1), 135–157., O. O., Akanmu, A. A., & Bairaktarova, D. (2021). Mixed reality based environment for learning sensing technology applications in construction. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Special Issue, 26, 863–885.
- Katsioloudis P., Bairaktarova D. (2020) Impacts of Scent on Mental Cutting Ability for Industrial and Engineering Technology Students as Measured Through a Sectional View Drawing. In: Šķilters J., Newcombe N., Uttal D. (eds) Spatial Cognition XII. Spatial Cognition 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12162. Springer, Cham.
- Bairaktarova, D. & Pilotte, M. (2020). Person or Thing Oriented: A Comparative Study of Individual Differences of First-year Engineering Students and Practitioners. Journal of Engineering Education, DOI:
- Li, X., Younes, R., Bairaktarova, D., & Guo, Q. (2020). Predicting Spatial Visualization Problems’ Difficulty Level from Eye-Tracking Data. Sensors 2020, 20, 1949; DOI:
- Bairaktarova, D. & Reeping, D. (2019). Development and Psychometrics of a Freely Available Mechanical Aptitude Test. International Journal of Engineering Education, Volume 35, Number 6(A), ISSN 0949-149X
- Bairaktarova, D., Williams, D., & Katsioloudis, P. J. (2019). Visualizing multi-mode instruction for spatial visualization. Journal of Engineering Design Graphics, Volume 83, 2019, http://www.edgj, ISSN: 1949-9167
- Ozkan, D*., McNair, L., & Bairaktarova, D. (2019). Teacher learner, Learner teacher: Parallels and Dissonance in an Interdisciplinary Design. IEEE Transactions on Education.
- Davis, C., Yones, R*., & Bairaktarova, D. (2019). Lab in a Box: Electrical Circuits Project-Based Course Design. International Journal of Engineering Education.
- Cohen, C. & Bairaktarova, D. (2018). A Cognitive Approach to Spatial Visualization Assessment for First-year Engineering Students. Journal of Engineering Design Graphics, Fall 2018, Vol. 82, No. 3, ISSN: 1949-9167
- Srinivasan, A*. & Bairaktarova, D. (2018). Pedagogies of Engagement: iPads use in the classroom. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34 (5), pg. 1615 – 1625.
- Bairaktarova, D. (2018). Coordinating mind and hand: The importance of manual drawing and descriptive geometry instruction in a CAD-oriented engineering design graphics class. Journal of Engineering Design Graphics, Vol.81, (3), ISSN: 1949-9167, (2017 EDGD Editor’s Award).
- Srinivasan, A., & Bairaktarova, D. (2018). Learning thermodynamics with iPad: Adaptation and learning opportunities for both instructor and students. International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(5), 1615–1625.
- Bairaktarova, D. & Eodice, M. (2017). Thermodynamics in High Energy Rhymes and Rhythms. Advances in Engineering Education.
- Taajamaa,v., Majanoja,A., Bairaktarova, D., Airola,A., Pahikkala T.,& Sutinen. E. (2017). How engineers perceive the importance of ethics in Finland. European Journal of Engineering Education, DOI:
- Bairaktarova, D., Graziano, W. & Cox, M. (2017). Enhancing engineering students’ performance on design task: The Box of Parts. Journal of Mechanical Design. DOI:
- Bairaktarova, D. & Woodcock, A. (2016). Engineering Student’s Ethical Awareness and Behavior: A New Motivational Model. Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics, 23(4), 1129-1157, First online, DOI:
- Bairaktarova, D., Bernstein, W., Reid, T. & Ramani, K. (2016). Beyond Surface Knowledge: An Exploration of How Empathic Design Techniques Enhances Engineers Understanding of Users’ Needs. International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 32, No. 1 (A), pp. 1-12.
- Woodcock, A. & Bairaktarova, D. (2015). Gender Differences in Self-Evaluation of Students’ Performance on Engineering Task. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 21 (3), pp. 255-269.
- Bairaktarova, D. & Woodcock, A. (2015). Engineering Ethics Education: Aligning Practice and Outcomes. IEEE Communications Magazine, November 2015, Volume 53, Issue 11, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2015.7321965
- Bairaktarova, D. Cox, M. & Sravasvara, M. (2015). A Project-Based Approach Professional Skills Training in an Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum. International Journal of Engineering Education, issue 31-1 (B).
- Pilotte, M. K., Bairaktarova, D. & Evangelou, D. (2013). Trans-discipline engineering communication characteristics and norms: An exploration of communication behaviours within engineering practice. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 87-99,
- Bairaktarova, D. Evangelou, D. Bagiati, A., Brophy, S. (2011). Engineering in young children’s exploratory play with tangible materials. Children, Youth and Environments, 21 (2): 212 -235.
- Bairaktarova, D., Cox, M., Evangelou, D. (2011). Leadership training in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in Bulgaria. European Journal of Engineering Education, vol.36, issue 6, pp 58 –594. Taylor&Fransis Group.
Book Chapters
- Ogunseiju, O., Gonsalves, N. J., Akanmu, A. A., & Bairaktarova, D. (2023). Towards Personalized Mixed Reality-Based Learning Experience in Construction Education. Digitalization in Construction, 20–38.
- Bairaktarova, D., Valentine, A. and Ghannam, R. (2023). The use of extended reality (XR), wearable, and haptic technologies for learning across engineering disciplines. In: Johri, A. (ed.) International Handbook of Engineering Education Research. Routledge: New York, pp. 501-524. ISBN 9781032262758
- Katsioloudis P., Bairaktarova D. (2020) Impacts of Scent on Mental Cutting Ability for Industrial and Engineering Technology Students as Measured Through a Sectional View Drawing. In: Šķilters J., 7 Newcombe N., Uttal D. (eds) Spatial Cognition XII. Spatial Cognition 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12162. Springer, Cham.
- Pakala, K. & Bairaktarova, D. (2020). Leveraging Technology to Elevate Pedagogy in Mechanical Engineering Teaching and Learning, in Mechanical Engineering Education Handbook, Baukal, Jr, Ed. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY.
- Bairaktarova, D. (2016). The New Renaissance Artificers: Harnessing Creativity in the Engineering Classroom. In Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering. Eds: Bairaktarova, D. and Eodice, M. Berlin: Springer.
- Taiwo, A., Younes, R., Cranwell, L., Gewirtz, C., and Groen, C. (2016). Creative Ways of Knowing and the Future of Engineering Education. In Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering. Eds: Bairaktarova, D. and Eodice, M. Berlin: Springer.
- Bairaktarova, D. & Evangelou, D. (2012). Creativity and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in Early Childhood Education. In Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood Education, Saracho, O. & Spodek, B. (Eds.), June, 2012.
Edited Collection
- Bairaktarova, D. and Eodice, M. (2016). Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering. Berlin: Springer.
Textbooks authored
Alternative Thermodynamics open access textbook (under Creative Common License)
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
(*Graduate students, **Undergraduate students)
- Diller, T, & Bairaktarova, D. (2023), Heat Transfer Workshops Using the Personal Engineering Platform. In the proceedings of the ASME 2023 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the ASME 2023 17th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. ASME 2023 Heat Transfer Summer Conference. Washington, DC, USA.
- Pakala, K., & Bakic, M., & Bairaktarova, D., & Bose, D. (2023, June), Board 341: Mobile Learning in STEM: A Case Study in an Undergraduate Engineering Course. In the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Guler, B. N.*, & Asad*, T. B., & Bairaktarova, D. (2023), Board 412: Thinking with Mechanical Objects: A Think-Aloud Protocol Study to Understand Students’ Learning of Difficult and Abstract Thermodynamic Concepts. In the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Ilbeigi, M., & Bairaktarova, D., & Ehsani, R. (2023), Board 197: A Gamified Approach for Active Exploration to Discover Systematic Solutions for Fundamental Engineering Problems. In the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Khan, R., & Yeaman, A., & Bairaktarova, D. (2023), A Literature Review to Explore a Relationship: Empathy and Empathy and Mindfulness in Design Education. In the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Kim, D., & Bairaktarova, D. (2023), Assessment Instruments for Engineering Ethics Education: A Review and Opportunities. In the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Asad, T. B.*, & Bairaktarova, D., & Guler, B. N.* (2023), A Comparison Study of Engineering Standards Taught in Mechanical Engineering Programs in Two Countries. In the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.
- Guler, Beyza Nur*; STEWART, Devin; MARTINI, Larkin; and BAIRAKTAROVA, Diana, “Once Upon A Time In The Castle Of Engineering Education: The Magic Of Storytelling For Neurodiverse Students” (2023). European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Research Papers. 113.
- Asad, Talha Bin* and BAIRAKTAROVA, Diana, “Sustainability In Engineering And Engineering Education: A Comparative Study Of German And Saudi Arabian Industries” (2023). European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Research Papers. 142.
- Bairaktarova, D., Lhotska, L., Moktefi, A., Pevkur, A., & Vică, C. (2023). Making Meaning Together: An Autoethnography Study On Our Role In Ethics Education. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).
- Ilbeigi, Mohammad, Ehsani, Romina, & Bairaktarova, Diana. A Gamified Pedagogical Method for Teaching Construction Scheduling through Active Exploration. 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference,
- Rodriguez, J., & Bairaktarova, D. (2022, August), Comparison of Spatial Visualization Skills Scores for Entry-Level Cohorts. In the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.
- Staley, T., & Bairaktarova, D. (2022). Why change engineering education?: pragmatic perspectives from the humanities and social sciences. Towards a new future in engineering education, new scenarios that european alliances of tech universities open up, Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. doi:10.5821/conference-9788412322262.1344
- Mitropoulos, T., & Bairaktarova, D. (2022). Why Engineering? – Exploring the Link Between Students’ Self-concepts and their Person or Thing Orientation. Proceedings – Frontiers in Education Conference, October 8-11, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Ilbeigi, M., & Bairaktarova, D. (2022). Work-in-progress: A gamified pedagogical system for teaching construction scheduling through active exploration. In the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, June 26-29, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Ilbeigi, M., Bairaktarova, D., & Morteza, A. (2022). Work-in-Progress: A Scoping Review for Gamification in Construction Engineering. In the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, June 26-29, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Bakic, M., Pakala, K., Bairaktarova, D., & Bose, D. (2022). Work-in-Progress: Mobile Assisted Gains through Innovative Curriculum for Students in the Thermal-Fluids Science Course. 2022 In the 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, June 26-29, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Chan, B.* M., Asad*, T. B., & Bairaktarova, D. (2022). Simulating an Engineering Workplace, a New Approach to Prototype-Based Team Project. In the 50th European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Annual Conference,1058-1066, Barcelona, Spain. doi: 10.5821/conference-9788412322262.1346
- Snyder, S. A.* (2022). Ethical blind-spots: A new pedagogical tool to examine how differences in engineering students’ personalities impact ethical reasoning in ethical case studies. In the 23rd Society for Ethics Across the Curriculum Conference Proceedings, October 6-8, Oxford, Mississippi.
- Snyder, S. A.*, Bairaktarova, D., Giménez Carbó, E. (2022). Personality dimensions, global and ethical perspectives and engineering students’ ethical decisions. In the 50th Annual European Society for Engineering Education Conference Proceedings, 729-738, September 19-22, Barcelona, Spain, doi: 10.5821/conference-9788412322262.1345
- Snyder, S. A.*, Bairaktarova, D. (2022). Work-in-Progress: Examining how faculty formal and multidisciplinary networks shape ethical worldviews. In the ASEE Conference Proceedings, June 26-29, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Bairaktarova, D., Snyder, S. A.*, Akrong, K., & Staley, T. (2022). Can Personality Dimensions Predict Engineering Students’ Ethical Decisions. In the 31st APPE Annual Conference Proceedings, February 24-27, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Garcia, U. T., Pakala, K., Schauer, S., Bairaktarova, D., & Chittoori, B. (2021). Evaluating STEM Course Re-Design Strategies in Light of COVID-19. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, June 27-30, Long Beach, California.
- Ogunseiju, O. R., Akanmu, A. A., Bairaktarova, D., & Jazizadeh, F. (2021). Assessment of Holographic Environment for Learning Sensing Technologies in CEM Education. Computing in Civil Engineering 2021 – Selected Papers from the ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering 2021, 1465–1472, September 12-14, Orlando, Florida.
- Snyder, S. A.*, & Bairaktarova, D. (2021). Examining Faculty Barriers and Challenges in Adopting Ethical Pedagogies in Online Environments. In the 2021 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Conference Proceedings, June 27-30, Long Beach, California.
- Ogunseiju, O., Akanmu, A., & Bairaktarova, D. (2021). Sensing Technologies in Construction Engineering and Management Programs: A Comparison of Industry Expectations and Faculty Perceptions. Proceedings of 57th Associated Schools of Construction Conference, April 5-9, Virtual Conference. DOI:10.29007/8SRJ.Pakala, K., Bairaktarova, D. Using Sequential Art to Communicate Engineering Course Content. 128th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
- Snyder, S. A.*, Bairaktarova, D., Staley, M. T. W., & Biscotte, S. (Paper accepted). Parallel disciplines: Exploring the relationship between global and ethics learning of undergraduate engineering students. Proceedings of the 125th SEFI Annual Conference and Exposition, September 20 -24, 2020. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
- Andrade, B-L.**, Pakala, K., Bairaktarova, D., Hagemeier, D., & Subbaraman, H. (2020). Faculty Perspectives on the Impact of Virtual Office Hours in Engineering Courses. Proceedings of the 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 21 – 24, 2020. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
- Yeaman, A.*., Bairaktarova, D., & Reid, K. (2020). A Qualitative Study of Empathy in the Experiences of Students in a First-Year Engineering Service-Learning Course. Proceedings of the 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 21 – 24, 2020. Virtual conference due to COVID-19.
- Jordan, S. R., Snyder, S. A.*, Bairaktarova, D., Staley, M. T. W., & Biscotte, S. (2020). “By root or by (muddy) branch”: Patterns of Ethics Learning then Teaching among Faculty. Proceedings of the 29th Annual APPE International Conference, February 20 – 23, 2020, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Rodriguez, J., Bairaktarova, D., & Rodriguez-Velazquez, L. (2019). Effect of Demographics on Improvement of Visualization Skills for Incoming First Year Students. Proceedings of 74th EDGD Midyear Conference, 17-19 November, Norfolk, VA.
- Ozkan*, D. S., Bairaktarova, D., & Eodice, M. (2019). Reframing Engineering Creativity through Meaningful Interdisciplinary Writing. 47th SEFI Annual Conference, 16 – 20 September 2019.
- Staley, T., Bairaktarova, D., Snyder*, S., Biscotti, S., & Jordan, S. (2019). The Ethical Culture of a U.S. Research University in Transition: Understanding, and Working with, Undergraduate Curriculum Change in a Complex Pedagogical Community. 47th SEFI Annual Conference, 16 – 20 September 2019.
- Snyder*, S. A. & Ozkan*, D. S., & Bairaktarova, D. (2019). Teaching Across Boundaries: Examining the Institutional Process of Establishing Multidisciplinary Courses. In ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Tampa, FL.
- Yeaman*, A. O., Bairaktarova, D., & Knott, T. (2019). A Qualitative Investigation of Students’ Problem-Solving Strategies in a Spatial Visualization Course. Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16-19, 2019, Tampa, FL.
- Bairaktarova, D., Bell, J., Van Den Einde, L. (2019). Application of Augmented reality and Spatial Visualization app in spatial reasoning training. Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16 – 19, 2019, Tampa, FL.
- Rodriguez, J., & Bairaktarova, D. (2019). Predictive model for Spatial Skills of First-Year Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16 – 19, 2019, Tampa, FL.
- Pakala, K., & Bairaktarova, D. (2019). Mobile learning in Energy Science. Proceedings of the 126th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 16 – 19, 2019, Tampa, FL.
- S. Subramanian*, D. Bairaktarova, S. Huxtable, & Z. Siddique, (2018). Development of a V-Objects tool to enhance pedagogy of Thermodynamics concepts. International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Yeaman, A.O.*, Bairaktarova, D., & Knott, M. (2018). Developing a Coding Rubric for Students’ Spatial Visualization Strategies. Proceedings of the 125 th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23 – 26, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah. Page 6 of 10.
- Ozkan, D.,* and Bairaktarova, D. (2018). Sketching with Students: An Arts-Informed Qualitative Analysis of First-Year Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 125 th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23 – 26, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Snyder, S.,* Hasbun, I.*, Deters, J.*, and Bairaktarova, D. (2018). Exploring the Relationship Between Ethical Awareness and Personality Traits of Undergraduate Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 125 th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23 – 26, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Subramanian, S.*, Bairaktarova, D., Huxtable, S., and Saddique, Z. (2018). Collaborative Research: vObjects – Understanding their Utility to Enhance Learning of Abstract and Complex Engineering Concepts. Proceedings of the 125 th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23 – 26, 2018, Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Knight, D.B., Matusovich, H.M., Artiles, M.S., Davis, K.. Kinoshita, T., Bairaktarova, D., Hodges, K., Knott, T., Lee, W.C., McGlothlin Lester, M., McNair, E., Reid, K., & Simmons, D.R. (2018). Sustaining a study abroad program at scale: What motivates faculty members to engage in such programs?. Proceedings of the 125th Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT. – Best Paper in the International Division.
- Bairaktarova, D., Staley, T., Jordan, S., Biscotte, S., Becchetti, A., Snyder, S. (2018). Assessing the Baseline Ethical Culture of an Institution: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Findings, Panel Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, March 1-4, Chicago, Illinois.
- Yeaman, A.O.*, Boyd-Sinkler K.*, and Bairaktarova, D. (2017). An exploratory study on inclusion of visual representations of thermodynamicsrelated problems. Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), October 18- 21, 2017, Indianapolis, IN.
- Ingale, S.*, Srivasavan, A.*, and Bairaktarova, D. (2017). CAD Platform Independent Software for Automatic Grading of Technical Drawings. Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2017, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA.
- Ozkan, D.* and Bairaktarova, D. (2017). The Artistic Identity of First-Year Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 124th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 25 – 28, 2017, Columbus, OH.
- Reyes, M., Bairaktarova, D., and Woodcock, A. (2016). Improving Student Spatial Skills: Using Life Experiences and Motivational Factors to Inform Instructional Interventions. Proceedings of the 123th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 25 – 28, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Davis, C. and Bairaktarova, D. (2016). Project-Based Approach in an Electrical Circuits Theory Course – Bringing the Laboratory to a Large Classroom. Proceedings of the 123th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 25 – 28, 2016, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Srivasavan, A.*, Smith, J.*, and Bairaktarova, D. Identifying Freehand Sectional View Technical Drawing Activities in Engineering Design Graphics Course to Enhance Spatial Skills of Engineering Students. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2016, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA.
- Bairaktarova, D., Reyes, M., Carlton, D.**, and Nassr, N*. Identifying Motivational Factors and Lived Experiences to Enhance Spatial Skills in Novices and Experts in STEM Disciplines. Proceedings of the 122th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 13-17, 2015, Seattle, Washington.
- Ramanchandran, M.*, Bairaktarova, D., Woodcock, A., and Baweren, O**. An Exploratory Study to Predict Ethical Awareness using Linguistics Inquiry and Word Count. Proceedings of the 122th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 13-17, 2015, Seattle, Washington.
- Burrus, A**. and Bairaktarova, D. Effects of Multilevel Examples in teaching Thermodynamics. Proceedings of the 122th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 13-17, 2015, Seattle, Washington.
- Bairaktarova, D. and Johri, A. Work-in-Progress: Virtual objects. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 12 -15, 2014, Erie, Pennsylvania.
- Bairaktarova, D. and Pilotte, M. Work-in-Progress: Relevance-Based Learning in Students’ Early Engineering Education Experience. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 22 -25, 2014, Madrid, Spain.
- Bairaktarova, D. and Pilotte, M. Words or Images: The use of language in practice. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2014, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY, USA.
- Bairaktarova, D., Pilotte, M., McNeil, N. Challenging students’ assumptions and believes through Project-Based Learning. Proceedings of the 121th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Pilotte, M., Bairaktarova, D., Kajfez R.L. Panel Session: “From Industry to the Academy – Faculty Boundary Spanners Offering & Gaining Perspective”, Proceedings of the 121th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Bairaktarova, D. and Woodcock. A. The Role of Personality Factors in Engineering’ students Ethical Decisions. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Engineering Ethics, May 21- 23, 2014, Chicago, Illinois.Ramunajan, D., Ramani, K., Reid, T., Bairaktarova, D. The Role of Visual Thinking in Engineering Design. Proceedings of TMCE 2014, May 19-24, Budapest, Hungary. ISBN 978-94-6186-177-1.
- Pilotte, M., and Bairaktarova, D. Spectrum disorder in the Engineering Classroom. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 12 – 15, 2013, Erie, Pennsylvania.
- Pilotte, M., Bairaktarova, D. Engineering Person-Thing Orientation: Comparisons between first-year students and practicing engineers with implications for retention and professional placement. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 22 – 25, 2013, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
- Bairaktarova, D., Cox M., DePalma G., & P. Eftekhari. Engineering Students Perspective on Mentoring and Leadership. Proceedings of the 120th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 22-26, 2013.
- Bairaktarova, D., Pilotte, M., Evangelou, D. & M.Cox. Examining Reflections of Current Engineering Students on Educational Outreach. Proceedings of the 120th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, June 22-26, 2013.
- Bairaktarova D., Evangelou, D., Wodcock, A., Graziano, W.G. The Role of Personality Factors in Engineering Students Ethical Decisions. Proceedings of 40th European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) Annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 23 – 26 September, 2012.
- Bairaktarova D., Evangelou D., A. Bagiati, and J. Dobbs-Oates. The role of classroom artifacts in developmental engineering. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, June 10 -13, 2012.
- Bairaktarova, D., Evangelou, D., Citta, C. Work in Progress – Developmental Engineering: Using Observation for Understanding Child Behaviors as Precursors to Engineering Thinking. Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, October 12 – 15, 2011.
- Bairaktarova D. & Evangelou D. Development of an Engineering Ethics Course. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.
- Ngambeki, I., Evangelou, D., Woodcock, A., Bairaktarova, D., Graziano, W.G., Branch, S.E. Person-thing orientation as a predictor of engineering persistence and success. Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 26-29, 2011.Ngambeki, I., Corapci, F., Sakka, D., Bairaktorova, D., Evangelou, D., Habashi, M., and Graziano, W. Differences in person-thing orientation in STEM majors across three countries. Joint International IGIP-SEFI Annual Conference Proceedings, Trnava, Slovakia, 19 – 22 September, 2010.